Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Apr 25, 2012

24 weeks

Peaches' stats: 
•12 inches
•1 lb 10 oz

As the kids at work like to say, I've finally 'popped'!  It is so strange to me to look in the mirror and suddenly see this very round protruding belly that seems to have just appeared in the last few weeks.  It's really fun to finally start looking pregnant and not just chunky.  I can still wear my loosest pre-prego jeans, but I've started wearing maternity jeans too because they are just so darn comfy.  I'm still feeling good physically, although I had my first ever charlie-horse and thought I was dying! Those really hurt! Emotionally- well, I just have to take it one day at a time. 

We had another ultrasound at 23.5 weeks and Evie was measuring huge! Most of her length measurements put her at around 25 weeks and her weight was 1 lb 10 oz- again about 25 weeks.  I'm hoping this means she will come around 39 weeks instead of 40 or later.  The doctor said we'll wait and see (I'm starting to figure out this is a doctor's favorite phrase, much to my chagrin) so no due date change right now. But my fingers are crossed! 

Other than that we're just getting ready to move sometime towards the end of May and working a ton to save for baby.  Can't wait to finally start her nursery and get things organized! But for now, I'm waiting. Always waiting. 

1 comment:

  1. Carlye- you are so cute!!! I am so excited for you and your little girl. You are going to be a great mommy! :-)
